Applanix POSPac Cloud
Cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for OEMs
Applanix POSPac Cloud® currently supports uncrewed airborne data (Applanix POSPac UAV Cloud), crewed airborne data and mobile mapping (Land) data. Along with the Applanix POSPac UAV Cloud integration there is a separate Applanix POSPac UAV Command Line QC version available. This is a companion to the UAV SaaS model to provide Cloud OEMs with a QC module for first level support tasks. This is a non-GUI software to be used as front end integration for UAV OEMs.
Simple to use API with XML interface and credential manager
Pay-per-use model
Applanix PP-RTX®: Process your trajectory without a base station. This service works globally within minutes after data acquisition.
Survey base station coordinates: Use static CenterPoint® RTX™ to survey in your base station coordinates.
Server monitoring 7/24/365 with online status check
Supports PPK and GNSS-inertial processing
Reduced acquisition costs
Streamlined production
No desktop license management
High precision and automation
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